The Historical Keyboard Society of North America
announces the 10th Aliénor International Harpsichord Competition, which will be a Commission Competition.
Three composers will be selected and commissioned to write a work for solo harpsichord. The commissioned works should be no less than 10 minutes and no longer than 20 and can be single movement or multi-movement compositions. The compositions should be playable on a two-manual, GG-e’’’ instrument with two 8’s and a 4’.
Eligibility: There are no restrictions regarding age, gender, nationality, or race. HKSNA Board Members and Aliénor Committee/Commission Prize Jurors are NOT eligible.
The three commissions will be premiered at the Historical Keyboard Society of North America’s annual meeting in the spring of 2022. The composer will agree not to publish or premiere the composition before the HKSNA meeting in 2022.
Each winner will be awarded $1500 for the composition, and if they wish to attend the concert, up to $600 for travel expenses.
To apply: submit a bio of one page or less, a score (pdf) and recording (mp3) of a piece or pieces 10 minutes or less to The recording can be a studio session, live performance, or a sequenced format, and must be the same work as the submitted score, whether it’s a complete work or a section of a work. The piece submitted does not have to be for harpsichord, but it is recommended that it include keyboard instruments, and if the submitted work is for other instruments, some knowledge of the harpsichord as indicated in the composer’s bio will be an asset.
Submissions must be made before October 1, 2020.
Winners will be announced on January 15, 2021.
Commissions must be fulfilled by September 15, 2021.