Zuckermann Flemish Single for sale

SOLD – Zuckermann Flemish single with two 8′ ranks and a buff, measures 82″ long by 33″ wide. The compass is 56 notes GG-d”’. I bought it from the Zuckermann shop in late 2011 – it was a consignment instrument and they completely restrung it, regulated the action with all new plectra, and fixed a soundboard crack. It hasn’t had any work done since then but has been stored well (I kept a humidifier going in the room during the New England winters). Just opened it up and it is in surprisingly good tune considering it’s probably been over a year since I’ve touched it! Comes with padded cover, tool kit, extra strings/plectra/etc. Nice little instrument that I really enjoyed when I had more time to play, but it just doesn’t fit my current lifestyle. The instrument is in Portland, Oregon. I’m hoping to sell it for $4,000. If interested, reply via email to weka@wekaweb.org



